After a heated conference call with Mr. Webster and Rolling Stone the official definition of "love243" is "a verb, a type of love so deep that it fills the very gaps of the soul; brotherhood; comraderie; the act of imperial conquest of a territory over a larger nation state; also an extinct prehistoric mammal with an acute ability to devour human suffering." Webster and Rolling Stone are currently attending couples counseling, and the thoughts and prayers of Room 243 go out to them.

Friday, 20 March 2009

"Let's Call It 'Iron Lung.'"

What's it from?
It's a band, and we were just looking for something to say.
The real name of this post should be "Top 10 Things to Do With a Mannequin."

1) Eat lunch with her and piss off every faculty member at the school.
2) Good lover, but a great friend.
3) Teach her to sunbathe.
4) Scaring one roommate consistently enough so that he no longer feels safe in the hall.
5) Only "female" ever allowed to play Halo Night.
6) Whispering sweet nothings in her...
7) Play hide and seek with her.
8) Teach her the fundamentals of yoga.
9) Debate with her whether people who do not believe in God enter into heaven.
10) Study anthropology.
11) Fix Niall's computer.

The only cure for depression is a proper sleep schedule.
Also Todd is doing "the Billy Goat" right now. It's a dance, and could catch on. Looks fun.
And Alex is working on an exegesis blog, but he got a D.

Calling the Love, 243 Blog gay is defined as "douche baggery." For more information on how to proceed with this issue see the 243 Rules of the Room (to be posted soon).

12) Watching Sesame Street on VHS to practice counting.

Love, 243

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

"Ziggy's a Psyduck"

...and also one of the dinosaurs from Disney's sitcom Dinosaurs.
That seems to be the main issue, here in Room 243.
Other than the outstanding campaign going on.
Also the issue of "stoop kid's afraid to leave his stoop!"
It''s an issue.
We apologize for the esoteric references (some would argue the use of "esoteric" escalates the conflict).

Recently our old friend "the mannequin" came back to us. The prodigal son if you will.
Or daughter. We're not sure.
Either way, heshe is in desperate need of a name. We are now accepting creative entries into a name contest for our official 6th roommate.
And yes, we know how to count.

Ty Patterson just walked in. Quote: "This mannequin scared the shit out of me. Three in the morning!"

We are also discussing the possibility of wearing lipstick and wigs. More information to come.

Love, 243